Wednesday 13 February 2013

Finally got the canon

Devastating news, last week I managed to lose my third, possibly fourth, point and shoot camera. After arguing numerous times with my mother - that I am responsible, and never lose my belongings, I think I owe her an apology on this one. Rather than being stolen, or broken, I accidentally dropped my Sony point and shoot in a bar without realising. So RIP little cammy - you did me proud. I actually bought it in Bali, so I have some very fond memories of it.

However, whilst this was going on, I bit the bullet and finally ordered the Canon 600D. It's mid-range but perfect for what I want to use it for. It has the swinging LCD back so you can take photos from loads of different angles. I'm having a lot of fun playing with it - which is good because revision is so boring! Here are a few shots I took whilst in Bath over the weekend.

This is on Royal Crescent, the postcard crescent synonymous with Bath. It's a shame about all the cars really, but it is still very touristy.

I enjoyed the name of this trinket shop. 

Same Same but Different, is a cafe just at the top of Bath. It looked delicious but was completely overfilled so unfortunately we weren't able to eat there which was a shame. I also love the name of this cafe - reminds me of the Vietnamese. 

This is my beautiful friend Zoe. 

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Where's Wally?
These are just a selection. Cannot wait to fully get started. I'm already saving (well not really) for the 50mm f1.4 lens so I can take some bokeh-tastic shots.

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