Sunday 29 September 2013

In Rolling Waves

Naked and Famous - In Rolling Waves

Soundtrack of the weekend. Please make Rolling Waves your first port of call, then Waltz. 

Being the tourist that I am, I decided to be a photo monkey and take some snaps whilst having some downtime with my flatmate. Wanting to blow up some of these photos so I kept the pixel count high with the intention of mounting and framing them for the new house, meant that they took an age to upload but I have been patient and kept them small. 

Every off-duty model and Shoreditch hipster seem to own a pair of Dr Martens.

Naked and Famous - In Rolling Waves

Soundtrack of the weekend. The title track is a beauty. 

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Back to the usual

Same old tricks.  Same old story. 

Except now I'm from the capital and shed my student skin.

Scouting SoundCloud: - Out of the Blue

Special mix:
Amazing find.

Check out my friend's bro's watches, jazzing up wrists left right and centrrre.

Larsson and Jennings

This brand know exactly the right concoction for marketing genius - hot semi naked girl, tons of chunky jewellery, sail boats and sun shine. Ad campaigns shot during Croatia's summer festival seasons - always going to translate well. 

I'll have mine in red Dalmatian please. Grab them from

Monday 18 February 2013

Last name London First name Theophilus

You heard of him before but...Theophilus London

....Actually not from London.

This guy is a rapper/singer originally from Brooklyn NYC, not from the deep South - as the cowboy hat featured in several of his music videos would lead you to believe. 

Wine and Chocolates is currently doing the rounds - remixed by two Cologne DJs- Andhim. 

Timez Are Weird These Nights ; 

Whilst enjoying the originals I also came across the remixes which are great  - various DJs feature; Skream, Brodinski and Crookers, and the remixed album is available on Spotify whereas the official isn't available yet. Perfect for pounding some kilometres out and keeping the energy high.


A friend also introduced me to a great session on SoundCloud by Bakermat. The beauty of it is, the track listings are below so finding new music is so easy. Funeral by Band of Horses is the intro for the mix. However, the Band of Horses album is a sad let down in comparison to this stand alone song.

Reallll gooood....

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Lustss of the weeeek

Trapstar... Again

I just fucking bumm this make.... not only is it supercool (check out their satin black bomber jacket) but popular amongst my idols Cara D/Rihanna, who are frequently papped promoting and wearing their shiz. Their tag line "It's a secret" I have a feeling, it ain't gonna stay that for much longerrr....

...And since a pesky man has stolen my BOY London sweat and is adamantly refusing to give it me back, my attention has turned to the recently repleted sweatshirt stock from Trapstar. I want this one in a Large please! Black&Gold. Lions. Supercool.

And I will happily add to m collection of bobble hats. The red one I already have is quite punchy, but when worn with a bike leather J and some chelsea boots, is surpassingly acceptable - even in Waitrose. Although I did have a bit of a conundrum as to what to do with the green plastic coin they gave me at the checkout. I assumed it was for parking, so kept it. I now have it floating round my car ashtray, whilst some poor charity is clearly desperately needing more coins.


TOPSHOP.... yesssssss please

I want this outfit so much, I am even willing to give up my gangster wants for this British made jacket and cami combo. Wear with black boots, bouncy hair and red lips to finish off. 

Finally got the canon

Devastating news, last week I managed to lose my third, possibly fourth, point and shoot camera. After arguing numerous times with my mother - that I am responsible, and never lose my belongings, I think I owe her an apology on this one. Rather than being stolen, or broken, I accidentally dropped my Sony point and shoot in a bar without realising. So RIP little cammy - you did me proud. I actually bought it in Bali, so I have some very fond memories of it.

However, whilst this was going on, I bit the bullet and finally ordered the Canon 600D. It's mid-range but perfect for what I want to use it for. It has the swinging LCD back so you can take photos from loads of different angles. I'm having a lot of fun playing with it - which is good because revision is so boring! Here are a few shots I took whilst in Bath over the weekend.

This is on Royal Crescent, the postcard crescent synonymous with Bath. It's a shame about all the cars really, but it is still very touristy.

I enjoyed the name of this trinket shop. 

Same Same but Different, is a cafe just at the top of Bath. It looked delicious but was completely overfilled so unfortunately we weren't able to eat there which was a shame. I also love the name of this cafe - reminds me of the Vietnamese. 

This is my beautiful friend Zoe. 

Add caption

Where's Wally?
These are just a selection. Cannot wait to fully get started. I'm already saving (well not really) for the 50mm f1.4 lens so I can take some bokeh-tastic shots.

Monday 28 January 2013

Sort your shapes out

Definitely been guilty of throwing a few dad moves out there... The bus driver being an all time classic, but really should not be attempted in public.

If you do anything today. Listen to Bastille


I cannot WAIT for this!! Their album is out c7th March. Pre-order iTunes.....

I first heard them when I was in Ireland over the weekend, again another shazam moment. Pompeii is there current single, but I've been on youtube to check out the remainder of the album and it is on fire!

The band have been around since 2010. Seen at Leeds and Reading last year if you are very astute. They've been on tour supporting Two Door Cinema club, so I guess you could describe their music as of a similar vein, but I personally prefer their sound. The album is called Bad Blood and the track is a tune.

Their stuff has been featured on Made in Chelsea and Vampire Diaries. Pretty contemporary, easy to listen to and even better to sing along to when you think no one is watching. 

Interestingly, their name came about as their lead singer was born on Bastille Day, 14th July, but I promise, this is the only french influence in sight.....